13th Annual National Specialty Show
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Canada 2016
National Specialty Winners

Best of Breed/Best
Canadian Bred
Ch Ridishia Closer to the Heart
B/O: Pay Roy & Phil Desrochers by Ch Kumani’s Otto Wrecker x Ch
Dromkeen Ridishia Riverdance
Best of Opposite
Ch Zareba’s After Midnight of Tji-Wara
B: Kim Rice & Cindy Well by Zareba’s Midnight Runner x Ch Rare
Mettle’s It’s All Good
O: Lauren Michaels, M Massey, M Glodowski, C. Well

Best of Winners/Winners
Diamond’s World On a String
B: Pamela Sue Rape, Vilma O’Neill, Dan O’Neill by Lionlamb’s
Prodigal Son x Ch Diamond’s Seven Carat Cut
O: Jill Kind

Best Puppy
Mobukhosi’s Circle of Fire
O: Christina Ayre, Heather Allison

Select Dog
Ch Ridgeville’s Vaquero King
B/O: Wade Daboll by Glenaholm Sucha Bold Move x Ch Ridgeville’s

Select Female
Ch Cataraqui Runs In the Family
B: Valerie Michaud & Kevin Mansey by Ch Dykumos Sucha Throwback
x Ch Catarqui Indian Summer
0: Valerie Michaud, Carole Cocknell
Award Of Merit
GCH Maanhaar Primo-Creatus Brite Dalia Iris
B: Dymytrova A.A. by Myollnir Kyala x Podarok Iz Afriki Oriel Valeri
O: Doug Willows, Leigh Bishop

Best Veteran
Ch Calluna Strykes a Blazing Star
B: Heather & Eugene Queener by Calluna Pieces of Eight x Calluna
Higher Power
O: Cathy Acosta

Winners Female
Etta Strykes a High Note
B/O: Cathy Acosta by Ch Wyndrunhr Sunhawk of Course x Ch Calluna
Strykes a Blazing Star
Reserve Winners Female
Tam Lyn’s Sedona Sunrise at Zareba
B: Craig & Karla Boreiko
by Tji-Wara’s Twice in A Blue Moon x Tam Lyn’s Kiss on the Wind
O: Marie Glodowski & Lauren Michaels
Reserve Winners Dog
Redstone’s The Bone Collector
B/O: Christine Cone by Ch Mshindaji’s Bulletproof x GCH Redstone’s
Gypsy In the Palace
O: Alice Hirsch
Best in Puppy Sweeps
Redstone’s A Streetcar Named Desire O: Christine Cone, Alice Hirsch
Best Opposite in Puppy
Redstone’s The Bone Collector O: Christine Cone, Alice Hirsch

Best Veteran in Sweeps
CH Diamond’s Ariel of LeCreme O: Daniel and Vilma O’Neill
Best Brace
Etta Strykes A High Note and CH Calluna
Strykes a Blazing Star O: Cathy Acosta

Best Brood Bitch
Ch Calluna Strykes a Blazing Star O: Cathy

Best Ridge Overall/Best
Ridge Female
Ch Ridishia Closer to the Heart B/O: Pat
Roy & Phil Desrochers

Best Ridge Male
Ch Ridgeville’s Vaquero King B/O: Wade Daboll